Click The Boxes Below For Instructions and Information
A ProTune/E-tune is a custom tune that is created for you by a certified Cobb ProTuner. The tune is specific to the modifications you have installed on your vehicle and any fuel of your choice. ProTuning/E-tuning is the best way to make sure your car is healthy and is running as it should.
TunerBase is the web based platform we use to manage all of our tune requests through. This system provides us a way to message and review datalogs.
You will need, at minimum, a Cobb Accessport and one of our in order to receive a custom tune for your vehicle. However we do recommend a few modifications for best results:
Spark Plugs - It is recommended to install a set of NGK Iridium or NGK Ruthenium 1-step colder spark plugs in your engine before tuning. Knowing the spark plugs are new and properly gapped makes it easier for the tuner to know that any knock that may be on the datalogs is not related to the spark plugs and can revise your tune with more confidence that nothing is being left on the table.
Intercooler - This applies to all Ecoboost vehicles. They come equipped with intercoolers designed for stock performance levels but when you increase the power via tuning, the Ford OEM intercoolers tend to be insufficient and will rob you of power. Especially if you are in a very warm climate. The higher your charge air temps are, the more power you are going to lose. The ECU will reduce timing to prevent knock if charge temps get high enough, which will reduce power significantly.
Once you receive your tune you will be given instructions on how to record datalogs with your Cobb Accessport “AP”. These will be sent to us via email, and we will use these datalogs to see how your car is responding to the tune. We make revisions, send back the tune, and repeat the process until we have decided your car is producing the most power that your vehicle can safely make.
Request Your Tune: After you’ve placed your order, to submit a New Customer Tune Request. Please make sure the information you enter is exactly how it is shown on your AP or we cannot generate your tune. Once you submit your tune it will go to our tuning email queue and will be replied to in the order it was received.
Save Your Tune: The first email you’ll receive will include your basemap, which will be setup for the modifications and fuel you submitted on your tune request form. You will save this file to your computer wherever is easiest for you to locate.
Load Your Tune: Fire up AccessPort Manager “APM” (Download Here) and connect your AP to your PC/MAC and click “connect”. Once connected we always recommend checking for updates. Click the “updates” tab on the top of the APM software (second icon) and click “Check for firmware update” on the right hand side. Once you know your AP is up-to-date click on the “manage” tab (first icon) and make sure the drop down is set to “Maps”. Then click “Search for maps > >” on the right side. The APM software will expand and you’ll be able to click the button that has a magnifying glass next to the “Location:” box. Go to the folder that you saved your tune to and hit “select folder” on the bottom. The window will close and in the big box below it will show all available tune files in the folder you selected. Select the tune file you are looking to load to the AP and click the first icon on the right with the up arrow. To make sure it is loaded you can now see the file on the far left box. Once done you can click “Disconnect” on the top of APM software.
Flash Your Tune: Take the AP to your vehicle and connect the supplied cable to your OBD port under the dash. Turn the vehicle on, but not running and let the AP boot up. Once on the main screen click the “down” button on your AP until you are on the green icon labeled “tune” then click the center button on the AP.. Next menu will have the option to “change current map”, click the down button until you are on it then click the center button. Next menu should list all tunes currently loaded on your AP, use your down or up buttons on the AP to select the tune file you just loaded and click the center button. The screen will now walk you through the process of flashing/installing your tune. Make sure after it is done installing you turn the vehicle off as it states on the screen for 30 seconds, then key on (don’t start) for 10 seconds, then start.
Setup Datalog Monitors: Once your tune is finished and you are ready to start datalogging, you will need to setup your datalog monitors before you can log. Please click the Datalog Instructions link below that corresponds to your vehicle for the list of datalog monitors that need to be selected. Once you have the correct list, make sure your AP is plugged into your vehicle and the key is on. Click “gauges” on the main menu. Next screen will be your gauge display, click the “up” button on your AP and click on the arrow in a blue bubble at the top of the screen. In this menu you will want to select “Configure Datalogging”, click the center button to be taken to the list of available monitors.
Datalog Instructions
On this screen you will only want a green bubble selected next to the monitors on our list. Make sure there are no green bubbles next to monitors not on our list. If you select too many monitors your AP will not datalog and give you an error. Our list is the absolute max that can be selected. Use the “up” and “down” buttons on your AP to scroll through the list, and the “center” button to check/uncheck any monitor. Once you have all of the items on our list selected hit the “back” (left) button on the AP to save.
Go back to your “gauges” screen on the AP and click on the arrow in the blue bubble again. On this menu click “Change Gauge Layout”. The next menu will show 1 through 6 gauges. Select 4 gauges. This is to allow for more “memory” on the AP to record a log without slowing down the rate at which it records. This is good practice when recording datalogs to avoid any errors. Once tuning is done you can change this back to 6 gauge if you like. What gauges you have on your actual Gauges screen doesn’t matter, they do not affect what you are logging as that all happens in the background. You can set your gauges to whatever you like.
Record Datalogs: To record a datalog you must be on the gauges screen viewing your gauges. Make sure none of your gauge “boxes” are highlighted (light blue ring around the monitor). If any of them are selected when you hit the center button to start the recording it will just open that gauge. Once you are ready to record a datalog you will hit the center button on the AP to start the recording and hit again to stop the recording. Use the Datalog Instructions link above for instructions on the specific gear, and RPM range we want a datalog of. After a few revisions you may be asked via email for another type of datalog depending on how everything looks.
Save and Send Datalogs: After you have recorded the datalogs required and you are ready to send them over to use for review, disconnect your AP from your vehicle and plug into your PC/MC. Fire up the APM software again and hit “connect”. Once connected, under the manage tab change the dropdown menu from “Maps” to “Datalogs”. The window below will now show the datalogs you have recorded with your AP. The higher the number the newer (Example: If Datalog5.csv is the highest number you have in the window, it would have been recorded after Datalog1.csv, making Datalog5.csv the last/newest log you recorded). Click on the logs (Cntrl+Click to select multiples) you are looking to send to us and either drag them into your email or you can click the top right button with the disk and DOWN arrow to save them to your computer and attach them to your email. Some email clients don’t allow the drag and drop so saving to your computer is required.
Make sure you send your datalogs as a REPLY to the email you received from us that contained your tune file. Do not create a new email or delete any previous text in the email. In order for us to keep better track of customers we like to read all previous conversation and always have quick access to your vehicle information.
to submit a Tune Update Request. If you are a previous Unlimited tune customer there is no fee. If you purchased a Single fuel tune and are wanting another tune for a different fuel or mods you'll need to purchase a Retune by clicking the "PURCHASE" tab above (one for each fuel if you want more than one fuel). If you purchased a Dual Fuel tune and want a tune for a second fuel there is no fee. However if you changed your modifications you will need to purchase a ReTune (covers both fuels).
Please make sure you fill out ALL boxes or you will be asked to resubmit with the correct information. If you added a new modification you will list ONLY the new modification in the last box.
If you are looking for a tune for the same modifications but with a different fuel type, put the fuel type you wish to receive a tune for in the last box.
Click Here to Create an Account Click Here to Request Tune